Future Now Webinar Series

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The AI Advantage: Converting Data into Decision Intelligence in Three Essential Steps

The volume and complexity of business decisions is growing, while windows of opportunity to make effective decisions are shrinking. Yet all too often, data and business processes are siloed, resulting in decisions that are suboptimal or not made at all. Join us as we introduce Decision Intelligence and show you how Aera Decision Cloud™ helps you digitize and automate decision making at scale. We’ll show how Decision Intelligence is unlocking opportunities and providing a competitive advantage for leading global companies.


Three Ways to Use AI to Improve your Inventory Performance

Leading companies are leveraging AI to optimize inventory, reduce costs, and meet customer demands despite increasing supply chain challenges. Discover how AI can improve inventory management: a) Simulation: Use advanced simulation methods to model business volatility and set more accurate inventory parameters. b) Reinforcement Learning: Apply reinforcement learning to continually refine inventory strategies based on real business outcomes. c) Automation: Enhance decision making with AI-driven automation, increasing efficiency and impact. Join us to explore these innovative AI solutions with Aera Decision Cloud™ and stay ahead in a dynamic business landscape.


Close the Loop Between Insight and Action with Decision Intelligence

Decision Intelligence helps leading companies translate data-driven insights into actionable business outcomes. Join Deepshikha Agarwal and Aditya Rao to learn how Decision Intelligence leverages your team’s expertise and existing data with AI and machine learning — making it possible to identify opportunities and risks, then execute the best decision at the moment of greatest impact. We’ll show how your company can implement Decision Intelligence using Aera Decision Cloud, enabling your organization to improve decision making at scale.


The AI Advantage: Converting Data into Decision Intelligence in Three Essential Steps

The volume and complexity of business decisions is growing, while windows of opportunity to make effective decisions are shrinking. Yet all too often, data and business processes are siloed, resulting in decisions that are suboptimal or not made at all. Join us as we introduce Decision Intelligence and show you how our solution, Aera Decision Cloud™, helps you digitize and automate decision making at scale. We’ll show how Decision Intelligence is unlocking opportunities and providing a competitive advantage for leading global companies.


Boosting Pharma Supply Chains with Decision Intelligence

Leading pharmaceutical and life sciences companies are adopting Decision Intelligence to increase agility and efficiency in the face of increasingly complex decision-making challenges. Join Declan Supple and Paul Crayford as they explore impactful use cases for Decision Intelligence in the pharma industry, including: External CMO supply pull-in / push-outStockout avoidanceForward-looking inventory projection We'll present a framework for identifying potential use cases and show how Aera makes it possible to proactively identify and mitigate supply shortages, respond quickly to shifts in demand, and improve decision making across complex supply and distribution networks.


What Is (Not) Decision Intelligence?

The excitement around Decision Intelligence is growing rapidly. Early adopters are seeing unprecedented benefits in cost reduction and increased revenue from digitizing and automating decisions. But what is Decision Intelligence? More specifically, how does it differ from technologies such as business intelligence, predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics? Join us as we answer those questions by showing what makes Decision Intelligence unique. You'll learn how the Aera Decision Cloud™ platform orchestrates other technology solutions to digitize and automate decision making by using AI and machine learning to deliver timely, data-driven recommendations. You'll also see how Aera captures the outcomes of your decisions to enable continuous learning and optimization.


Unlocking Value in CPG with AI-Powered Decision Intelligence

“Closing the gap between the time spent making a decision and then executing that decision is a focus for 96% of supply chain leaders. Yet, on average, only 7% have real-time decision execution.”
– Gartner®, “4 Initiatives That Will Give Your Supply Chain a Competitive Advantage,” 23 Feb. 2023

Join us as we show how Decision Intelligence closes this gap – and delivers the value hidden in your supply chain data. We share success stories from our work with major CPG companies who rely on the Aera Decision Cloud™ platform to understand and deliver on consumer demand, optimize inventory, and maximize value. We also present a live demo of Aera Skills™ that optimize CPG supply chains, showing how your enterprise can benefit from the real-time, data-driven recommendations, and rapid execution capabilities only Decision Intelligence can deliver.


Achieve Frictionless Order Fulfillment with Decision Intelligence & Automation

Join us to see how our AI-powered Decision Intelligence platform predicts supply and demand events that impact customer delivery, and delivers recommendations that save money while helping you keep commitments to your customers. We’ll show you how the Aera platform and AI skills analyze real-time data to detect order fulfillment risks. We’ll also share real-world results from teams that rely on Aera – including how global organizations can save millions per year with the end-to-end visibility and rapid response capabilities that Decision Intelligence delivers.


Decision Intelligence Drives Greater Sustainability in Your Business

Sustainability is no longer a choice, but a necessity. As pressure increases from both regulators and customers to reduce our impact on the planet, technology will play a crucial role in making business more efficient and sustainable. Watch this session to learn how Aera is helping major global companies incorporate sustainability goals and metrics into the decisions they make. We’ll introduce you to AI skills on the Aera Decision Cloud™ platform that help you reduce environmental impact while delivering excellent customer service and achieving business objectives.Learn how your company can operate more sustainability, intelligently, and efficiently with Aera – and create a better future for ourselves and our planet


How To Get More Value Out Of Your Inventory

Faced with shifts in demand, supply constraints, and rising costs, how will your company balance inventory levels and customer service in an uncertain marketplace? Join us as we reveal approaches for right-sizing inventory management with AI. We’ll show how the Aera Decision Cloud™ platform delivers data-driven inventory management capabilities that aren’t attainable with traditional software and approaches:

  • Inventory Balancing – Aera helps customers minimize potential service risks while reducing total excess inventory in their networks
  • Dynamic Order Fulfillment – Aera identifies availability risks and analyzes tradeoffs in order to prioritize competing orders
  • Aging Inventory Management – Aera reduces the risk of product waste by analyzing expiry risk and recommending changes to production, promotions, and/or inventory location.

    Watch as we put theory into practice with the platform and AI skills that leading firms trust to elevate their inventory management strategies.

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    How to Unlock Value with Decision Intelligence

    Too often, competitive insights that could help your organization succeed are hidden within siloed systems, or go unseen due to a lack of communication and collaboration. It doesn’t have to be this way. Join us as we show how some of the best-known names in consumer goods, life sciences, technology manufacturing, and more are unlocking new value with digitized and automated decision making. We’ll share real-world examples from customers, introduce you to the Aera Decision Cloud™ AI platform, and show how (unlike other software solutions) you can quantify the value that Decision Intelligence and automation delivers. What opportunities are waiting to be discovered within your data and decision-making processes? Find out how your enterprise can start to achieve more with AI.


    Five Things Data Management Leaders Need to Do to Maximize Impact

    From gaps in crucial data, to the challenges of gleaning insights from across different systems of record and data sources – we’re here to help lower your stress levels by showing how Aera Decision Cloud™ harmonizes data, addresses data-quality issues, and creates a data model purpose-built to digitize and automate business decision making. Join us as we explore the key challenges and present AI-powered strategies to address them effectively. Don’t miss this opportunity to understand and address the data management challenges that are holding your enterprise back from operating more sustainably, intelligently, and efficiently.


    External Data + Decision Intelligence = Better Outcomes

    Decision Intelligence is the future of business. Pioneering companies are already gaining a competitive advantage from the ability to continuously analyze internal data to make the best decisions possible. New advances in technology make it possible to take these capabilities to the next level.

    According to MIT Sloan researchers: “Incorporating external, or third-party, data is an important part of data analytics programs as companies look for strategic insight from outside their firms.”

    Join Aera Technology and Overwatch AI as we guide you on a journey of possibility and potential — where we explain how merging internal data in the Aera Decision Cloud™ platform and external data feeds through Overwatch AI will bring even greater competitive advantage to your organization.

    Arjun Bisen, CEO and Co-Founder of Overwatch Data, and Jennifer Chaplain, Customer Success Director from Aera Technology, present this future-forward session.

    Chief Procurement Officers: Four Key Decision Intelligence Trends

    Sourcing and procurement leaders play a crucial role in helping the enterprise achieve success. Join us as we present the AI trends that will most impact Chief Procurement Officers and show how Decision Intelligence helps address potential risks and positions teams to make better, more impactful decisions. Aera will present four business challenges that will impact the procurement landscape in 2024 and we will also share how procurement leaders at some of the world’s best-known global companies are using AI-powered Decision Intelligence to identify potential sourcing issues and address in real time.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how data-driven insights and better decision making will help you navigate future uncertainty and be better prepared to lead your company to positive results.


    The Future of Data & Analytics: From Data-Focused to Decision-Centric

    Learn how your business can operate more efficiently, and achieve a level of value creation you might have thought impossible. According to IDC, 75% of decision makers say that data loses its value within days, and 33% of decision makers say they often don’t get around to using the data they receive.* On this webinar we will show you how companies overcome these challenges with AI that identifies opportunities and risks, enabling more accurate, impactful decisions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the technology and new ways of working that will give companies a competitive edge in the new era of AI.


    GenAI-Powered Decision Intelligence

    Generative AI has unlocked new ways of doing business and promises to transform how teams interact with data and make decisions. This session shows how Generative AI, combined with state-of-the-art predictive and prescriptive AI and ML models, will make it possible to discover and act on decision making opportunities rapidly. You’ll learn about the value the Aera Decision Cloud™ AI platform is delivering for major companies, and how natural language understanding will make it easier for you to engage with data and execute decisions at the moment of maximum impact.


    Decision Intelligence is the Cure for Underperforming Pharma Supply Chains

    Improving supply chain performance has become a critical priority for pharmaceutical companies in recent years. Yet the pharma industry’s current operating models and supply-chain solutions are not ideally equipped to:

  • Proactively identify and mitigate supply shortages
  • Respond quickly and efficiently to volatile demand signals
  • Gain control of multi-stage and multi-echelon inventory
  • Deal with complex supply and distribution networks

    Decision Intelligence is the answer. Watch this session to learn how an AI-powered Decision Intelligence platform delivers these capabilities and benefits, all while maintaining your current systems of record.

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    Democratizing Analytics with AI

    AI has made it easier than ever to discover information and surface key analytics. Leading firms are rethinking their operating models, exploring how human/machine collaboration can improve results. Join our colleagues at Course5 Intelligence as we present the ways that leading companies are enhancing their analytics with AI. You’ll learn about the value of Decision Intelligence for digitizing, augmenting, and automating business decisions, as well as key considerations you need to know before beginning an AI transformation journey.


    Solving Data Availability and Integrity with Decision Intelligence

    Don’t let the quest for “perfect data” hold your enterprise back from the benefits of AI. Companies can reduce costs and operate more efficiently with Decision Intelligence by using AI and machine learning to begin improving data quality. Join Sean McNunn and Naveen Reddy as they show how you can overcome data quality challenges with Aera Decision Cloud™ by using business rules to improve data completeness, accuracy, and consistency – all while improving decision-making quality and using advanced AI and ML to further improve data quality.


    Optimizing Procurement: Streamlining Payment Terms with Decision Intelligence

    Too often, procurement teams are forced to work reactively, not proactively. Payment terms impact your company’s cash flow and relationships with suppliers. With hundreds if not thousands of suppliers, each governed by different regional laws and company policies, managing payment terms is an extraordinarily complex and time-consuming task.

    Learn why AI-powered Decision Intelligence is a game-changer for procurement. Join Jennifer Chaplain and Francis Mercier to learn how you can automate payment terms generation, enabling negotiations that are target-centric, compliant, and supplier-specific:

  • How applying Decision Intelligence in payment terms generation and negotiation helps your company achieve target payment terms goals, increasing cash flow
  • How AI and machine learning solve the complexities of calculating optimal payment terms
  • Why an AI platform for decision automation improves negotiations with vendors and reduces the time and manual effort involved in this critical process

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    Aera Test Drive: Start Transforming Your Supply Chain with AI

    Your company can test drive the Aera platform to get a firsthand view of the full range of benefits of AI for decision automation – including harmonized data, rich end-to-end analytics and insights, data-driven recommendations, and more – all in just a few weeks, without replacing your existing technology solutions.

    It’s all possible with the Aera Decision Cloud™ Test Drive, which showcases Aera’s capabilities and the value of digitized, augmented, and automated decision making for your enterprise. See real-world examples of companies that have used our AI platform for decision automation to improve the quality of decisions and drive efficiency. We’ll share the key measures these companies have used to measure the value of our innovative approach to Decision Intelligence, including adoption rates, decision quality, speed, and the ability to automate decisions.


    The Future of End-to-End Business Decision Making

    Scale and functional excellence helped guarantee success in the past, but they’re no longer enough for global brands to remain competitive. Consumer fragmentation, hyper-competition, and digitization demand a new approach to business decision making. Join us and our partners at Kearney as we explore how AI prepares your business for this new reality: enabling more accurate, granular, and agile cross-functional decision making, maximizing impact vs. marginal improvement – and making it easier for businesses to adapt to evolving market requirements.


    Deep Dive into the IDC Decision Automation Survey

    Discover how Decision Intelligence – a set of capabilities that automates all steps in the decision-making process – can significantly accelerate decision velocity. IDC's research identifies common characteristics of organizations with leading AI-powered Decision Intelligence capabilities and offers insights into how these companies achieve market-leading outcomes.


    The Psychology of Decision Making

    As writer Phil McGraw put it: “Eighty percent of all choices are based on fear. Most people don’t choose what they want; they choose what they think is safe.” Yet business decision making doesn’t have to be impacted by human challenges and limitations. Join us as we examine open-loop and closed-loop decision-making processes, and show how an AI-powered Decision Intelligence platform reduces bias, improves decision quality, and creates a foundation for data-driven continuous learning.


    Acelerando la transformación digital con inteligencia de decisiones

    A medida que las industrias continúan su proceso de digitalización, la cantidad de datos y expectativas de los clientes han crecido de manera exponencial, mientras que la capacidad de las empresas para tomar de decisiones no ha cambiado mucho. La inteligencia de decisiones es una disciplina que permite digitalizar y automatizar decisiones, ayudando a las empresas a operar en estos tiempos cambiantes y volátiles, capturando valor incremental tras tomar más y mejores decisiones de manera sistemática, y aprendiendo de ellas. En este Webinar tendremos como invitado a DeAcero, quienes nos van a compartir su ‘journey’ en inteligencia de decisiones, impacto en el negocio y lecciones aprendidas.


    Tricks and Treats - Haunting Implementations vs. Glowing Success

    Halloween is a season when tales of haunting and mystery are not just accepted, but warmly embraced. For many, the idea of embarking on the AI transformation journey seems like a ghoulish trick rather than a delightful treat, as integrating new technologies often appears as a formidable undertaking. But fear not, for we are here to reveal how AI implementations can be as radiant as a jack-o'-lantern, illuminating your organization with newfound brilliance.

    Gather around the (virtual) campfire for stories of implementations gone wrong, tricks and treats that companies can use to improve their projects, and advice on how to improve communication to facilitate better outcomes. This webinar will be scarily insightful – so whatever you do, don't split up from the group as we guide you on your AI transformation journey … and prepare you for future sequels.


    Beyond the Business Case: Quantifying and Optimizing Value through Decision Intelligence

    According to Deloitte’s 2023 Global Technology Leadership Study, over 50% of CxOs find that an inability to tie a technology investment directly to performance improvement is a leading challenge in gauging ROI. Yet Decision Intelligence investments are uniquely positioned to create measurable business impact. Join us to learn how AI predicts the potential impact of decisions, measures and records the actual value, and enables continuous learning by factoring those results into future recommendations. We’ll share Decision Intelligence use cases that show quantifiable business value, and explain how Aera Decision Cloud™ leverages AI and machine learning to help you optimize decision making.


    AI-fueled Supply Chain Design

    It is time to modernize Supply Chain design. AI now enables a fresh take on how to structure and manage the supply chain network by bridging the strategic and the tactical, and maximizing the potential flexibility by focusing on real-time decision making. The end result is enhanced resiliency and responsiveness, and a renewed focus on value creation instead of cost minimization. Join Aera Technology and MIT to learn more about leveraging AI to reimagine Supply Chain network design.


    What You Need to Know about Predictive Models

    Machine learning. Predictive algorithms. Advanced analytics. You have probably heard these terms discussed a lot these days, often with bold claims about how they will change the world. But what do they really mean? That is, in simple terms that the average person can actually understand?

    Watch now to learn the fundamentals of these powerful concepts in a way that actually makes sense. You'll also learn how this technology can be applied in real-world scenarios to improve your organization. No jargon, and no technical knowledge required!


    Introduction to Decision Intelligence

    In a dynamic and complex business environment, where change happens rapidly and without warning, the volume and complexity of decisions has grown – and the time available to make them is shrinking daily. Faced with over 2,000 decisions to make per hour, the mental strain this places on the human brain is substantial. Add to this the fact that many business decisions are siloed and disjointed, and many teams find it easier to optimize locally at the expense of end-to-end efficiency.

    In an age where personal assistants like Alexa and Waze simplify our personal lives, the time has come to bring this ease to the workplace. Join us as we present the Decision Intelligence platform that makes this a reality: Aera Decision Cloud™ – and introduce you to Aera, the powerful AI agent that enables your company and employees to make more accurate decisions at scale.

    Watch now to discover how Decision Intelligence is unlocking opportunities and delivering a competitive advantage for some of the world’s best-known brands.


    Using AI to Make Better Supply Chain Decisions

    Several years ago, prominent analysts made bold predictions about the impending demise of supply chain management due to AI-powered automation. With the emergence of ChatGPT, AI has taken center stage and occupied the thoughts of numerous supply chain executives.

    A study conducted by BCG and Aera Technology sheds light on the underlying challenges and potential pathways to transform this vision into reality. Join us as we delve into key insights from this study, including:

  • Hurdles faced by companies in implementing AI within their supply chains
  • Cases where AI has revolutionized supply chain operations
  • Success factors essential for unlocking AI's immediate and long-term value

    Watch the session to learn how your organization can kickstart integration of AI into supply-chain processes.

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    Self-Driving Supply Chain in Action: Automating Safety Stock Recalibrations with AI Presented by EY and Aera Technology

    AI can find patterns in real-time data and make decisions quickly and accurately. This ensures that you have the best inventory parameters for planning, even in volatile conditions. Join EY and Aera Technology as we explore an exciting use case for AI and machine learning: automating safety stock recalibrations and predicting downstream impacts, which in turn delivers cost savings and service level improvements.

    Watch the session to learn:

  • How strong partnerships help overcome the challenges of deploying AI at scale
  • Ways that AI delivers rapid time to value and increased value over time via automated decision making
  • How a leading global company is automating its top 100 supply chain decisions, and the results they’ve achieved to date

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    Revolutionizing Pharma with AI: Unleashing the Power of Decision Intelligence

    Are misconceptions about AI holding you back from making informed decisions? Join us to demystify Decision Intelligence, discover its rapid deployment potential (measured in weeks, not years), and see how pharmaceutical companies can swiftly reduce waste, cut costs, mitigate risks, and foster sustainability through digitized, automated decision-making.


    Digitization and AI in Procurement: Deloitte’s 2023 CPO Survey Reflections

    According to Deloitte’s 2023 CPO Survey, organizations that focus on orchestration of value are performing 25% better. Orchestrators are excelling in critical areas by investing more heavily in areas like analytics and automation – and are expected to continue widening the digital divide by embracing AI.

    Watch our conversation with Aaron Addicoat of Deloitte, co-author of Deloitte’s 2023 CPO Survey. We’ll discuss key trends, findings, and why CPOs are adopting Decision Intelligence as a critical initiative to achieve digital transformation of procurement.


    Beyond Scenario Planning: Prepare for the Unexpected with Decision Intelligence

    How will you remain resilient in the face of shifting customer demand? Scenario planning makes it possible to analyze opportunities and risks, but Decision Intelligence closes the loop on this critical process – making it possible to adjust within hours, not days or weeks. In this session, you'll learn how Decision Intelligence identifies challenges and opportunities, generates recommendations, and then automates and augments decision making – saving time, money, and reputation.


    Overcome Costly Planning Challenges with Decision Intelligence

    Business dynamics have changed, and traditional planning solutions alone can't help you achieve success in today's volatile environment. Decision Intelligence offers a new approach, working alongside your existing planning technology to address supply-chain challenges.

    Join us as we explore one particular problem area – stockout prediction and prevention – and show how Decision Intelligence delivers better results.


    A New Approach to Inventory Management with Decision Intelligence

    Conventional approaches to inventory management and optimization come up against challenges and limitations today. Rapidly evolving supply chains demand a more adaptive and intuitive approach.

    Join us as we look at how machine learning solves modern inventory optimization challenges – combining your planning team’s expertise with advanced algorithms in order to:

  • Optimize safety stock levels
  • Minimize inventory carrying costs
  • Make better, data-driven decisions even as conditions change

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    The Evolution of Digital Control Towers: AI Command Centers for Decision Making

    Digital control towers helped modernize global supply chains, but they’re no longer sufficient in today’s business environment. Companies need end-to-end visibility, and a solution that goes beyond collecting data and delivering insights. Join Archana Ravi, solutions engineering director, and Naveen Kumar, senior product marketing director, and learn how Decision Intelligence leverages AI to create a true command center for decision making.


    An Overview of Aera's AI Engine: Aera Cortex™

    Aera Cortex™ is the AI engine for the Aera Decision Cloud™ platform – a complete ModelOps platform purpose-built for Decision Intelligence. Learn how Aera Cortex takes you beyond augmenting dashboards and reports to operationalizing data science at the moment of decision-making impact. Join Mustafa Kabul, vice president of data science and machine learning, and Henry Hwong, vice president of product marketing, for an engaging conversation and a look at the intelligence and learning capabilities of Aera Decision Cloud.


    Turning Sustainability Goals into Realities with Decision Intelligence

    Under increasing scrutiny from customers, investors, and regulators, many companies have made sustainability a part of their core supply-chain strategies. However, there is a growing disconnect between these ambitious, time-bound targets and the current trajectory of measurable progress. AI-enabled decision-making helps companies embed sustainability into their day-to-day operations.Join us to find out how Decision Intelligence enables the end-to-end visibility required to make sustainability objectives a part of daily business decisions. You’ll learn how companies can measure trade-offs, take a structural and organic approach to meeting ESG targets, and avoid accusations of “greenwashing.”


    Gaining Value from Data Science and AI: A Fireside Chat with BCG

    Many companies have been unable to realize and sustain measurable value from their data science initiatives and AI investments. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Join us for a fireside chat with Michael Barnett, associate director for supply chain AI at BCG, as we examine the most common challenges companies face when implementing AI – including data challenges that can be overcome with today’s technology and a purpose-built Decision Intelligence platform.


    Marketing and Supply Synchronization with Decision Intelligence

    Simply put, brands can’t ask customers to purchase their products if shelves at stores near them, or online, are empty. The complexity and speed at which decisions need to be made exceed the organization's capacity to make them. Join us to understand how Marketing & Supply Synchronization (MSS) connects supply and demand across organizational and data siloes to make fully-informed decisions on media planning and optimization, enabling collaboration between Marketing and Supply Chain.


    How Decision Intelligence Solves for Sustainability Tradeoffs and Complexity

    Sustainability decisions today involve tradeoffs. While businesses are embarking on long term initiatives to optimize across cost, service, and impact to the environment, a machine does better. With Decision Intelligence, you can take actions today that cut through the complexity. Learn how to leverage AI/ML to do so.


    AI in Supply Chains - Challenges and Opportunities

    Several years ago, leading analysts predicted that AI-powered automation would lead to "the death of supply chain management." However, many of these investments have failed to deliver the benefits leaders expected

    Our recent study with BCG answers key questions about the role of AI:

  • Why do companies struggle to deploy AI in supply chains?
  • What are some leading use cases for AI in supply chains?
  • What are the key success criteria to realize AI's short- and long-term value?

    Watch our session to learn how your organization can leverage Decision Intelligence to create a more sustainable, intelligent, and efficient supply chain.

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    Optimizing Procurement: Overcoming Supplier Constraints with Decision Intelligence

    Shortages and supply constraints are difficult to overcome. But Decision Intelligence helps companies optimize their supply chains to balance revenue with important customer and market priorities.In this webinar, we’ll examine a very relevant example: electronic component shortages with a Tier 1 supplier. Join us as we examine the types of information that can be examined in real time to improve decision making; and how a Decision Intelligence platform can harmonize this data, then optimize business objectives against complex, interrelated constraints to produce data-driven recommendations – and also validate the results to ensure the best possible outcome.


    Decision Intelligence Playbook: Starting Your Journey to Digitizing Business Decision Making

    Your business can deploy and start to benefit from Decision Intelligence in a matter of weeks, without “ripping and replacing” your current technology stack.

    Join us as we discuss how to start digitizing, augmenting, and automating decisions as we show an example of Decision Intelligence applied to improving inventory performance.


    Tech-Tonic Shifts: How Decision Intelligence is Helping the Beverage Industry Address Volatility

    The beverage industry is a highly-competitive and rapidly-changing market. Due to rising costs, changing consumer preferences, and increasing competition, the need for data-driven decision making has never been greater. Decision Intelligence enables beverage companies to optimize operations, launch new products more quickly, and deliver excellent customer service. Join us as we discuss how Decision Intelligence is giving leading beverage companies a competitive advantage.


    Women in Innovation: The Decision Intelligence Opportunity

    In the last 50 years, women have made good strides in STEM fields. In 1970, 38% of the employee base was female, and 8% of STEM jobs were held by women. In 2019, 48% of the workforce was female, and 27% were employed in STEM roles. While this progress is encouraging, there is still significant room for improvement.

    Watch this session to meet five women who are leading the way in STEM and AI/ML as they share their road to success, where their ambitions will take them next, and their advice for the women that follow in their footsteps.


    Unlocking AI with Decision Intelligence

     As industries continue to digitize, expectations around AI for the enterprise have increased. But the reality is that most companies are still experimenting with AI and advanced analytics. Very few have achieved enterprise-wide scale, let alone success within a single domain, geography, or business unit. Join us to discuss how Decision Intelligence is unlocking the full potential of AI by embedding it organically within the decision-making process – driving decision support, augmentation, and automation. You’ll learn how to maximize the value of AI by bringing it closer to the point of impact (i.e., decision making) while minimizing human bias.


    Solving Data Integrity with Decision Intelligence

    Data integrity is critical. But maintaining complete, accurate, and consistent information can be a challenge, especially across many different systems and data repositories. Today’s technology offers a solution, thanks to AI and machine learning. Join us to learn how Decision Intelligence is helping large, complex global companies improve data quality.


    How to Run a Successful Decision Intelligence Transformation

    Decision Intelligence has a rapid time-to-value and can deliver significant value over time. However, for this to be harnessed effectively, there are unique requirements specific to digitizing, augmenting, and automating decisions that need to be considered. Join Maarten Bellekom, Heiko Kahrels, and Larissa Sliwinski as they share their lessons learned and recommendations for designing and running a successful Decision Intelligence transformation.


    Journey to the Autonomous Enterprise

    A fireside chat with Sarah Burnett, author of the book, "The Autonomous Enterprise - Powered by AI." With upward of 60% efficiency savings, improved productivity, reductions in churn, and many more opportunities for innovation, Sarah Burnett argues that the journey towards the autonomous enterprise will gather momentum. She talks to Alison Crawford of Aera Technology about the concepts in her book, how to start the journey to get there, and why job losses won't be a problem.


    Driving Supply Chain Agility Within the Chemicals Industry with Decision Intelligence

    Over the past years, we have seen many companies within the chemicals industry struggle with the increasing uncertainty and volatility of supply chains all around the globe. We see an increased need for agility and resilience for organizations to be able to quickly sense, analyze, and understand unforeseen events – and make the right decision on which best actions to take accordingly.

    We have partnered with Deloitte to help organizations to move towards digital, interconnected, and (above all) intelligent supply chains with Decision Intelligence. Join us as we explore the trends and challenges behind supply chain disruptions, and how Decision Intelligence helps chemical companies adapt and succeed.


    The Top 10 Predictions for 2023 from Aera

    This past year has shown us predicting what's going to happen isn't possible. But the team at Aera Technology is sure going to try. Join Henry Hwong, VP of Product Marketing and Alison Crawford, Senior Director of Product Marketing, while they review the top 10 predictions that the Aera team is making for 2023. We'll cover technology trends, industry trends, the future of work and more. This webinar will challenge the audience to think through the art of the possible and how they can take advantage of emerging trends and opportunities.


    What is the Future of Work in a Decision Intelligence World?

    What does the future workforce and governance structure look like in a world as decisions are increasingly being automated? Who are the people we need to cultivate for the future? Come join a discussion with the Aera Chief Strategy Officer as we discuss how organizations are embracing new models like Human-in-the-Loop and Human-on-the-loop, and what role people play in Decision Intelligence. We'll also discuss what profiles we need to add to our strategic hiring plans.


    Driving Decision Intelligence with MLOps

    So much brilliant work in AI/ML is focused on getting the newest vendor tools and running the latest experiment. Yet many of these projects never see the light of day in the real world. Come join the Sr. Director for Aera ML/AI solutions and we'll discuss how Decision Intelligence is getting the most out of ML/AI by letting data scientists incorporate a diverse set of both external and integrated tools into one platform, with the real-time data integration and real-time model performance analytics needed to effectively deploy ML models.


    Regaining Control of Order Fulfillment Processes with Decision Intelligence

    Companies and entire industries are facing demand volatility and supply challenges as never before. In our complex, multi-polar global networks, identifying the right buttons and levers to navigate through these is becoming ever more difficult. Although we have spent decades optimizing processes, designing organizations, and implementing better and faster solutions, the challenges remain. In fact, we are throwing more complexity, more data, and additional dimensions into the mix. We have been focusing too much on the task and not enough on the decision. In order to fulfill demand as your customer requires, while balancing your complex supply chain, you need to process more data than ever before and act on decisions at a pace that has not been possible. This is where Decision Intelligence comes in: Leveraging the power of integrated internal and external data to achieve responsiveness based on real-time data, recalibrate priorities with full visibility of the consequences, and the ability to act swiftly is within reach.


    Unlocking New Value with Decision Intelligence

    Delivering impact to the bottom line in a sustainable manner ultimately matters to shareholders. Executive teams are tasked with increasing corporate value to their shareholders, as measured by a myriad of metrics, including Total Returns to Shareholders (TRS), Return on invested capital (ROIC), and Economic Profit (EP), while improving their social responsibility. While several levers drive shareholder value, a company’s value is just the sum of its decisions executed. Decision effectiveness and financial results are highly correlated. Join the discussion on how Decision Intelligence will change and unlock new value through the digitization, augmentation, and automation of decisions. We will share real-life examples of how Decision Intelligence drives business agility through increased decision velocity by making faster, better, and more decisions than ever possible.


    Boosting your Business Performance with Decision Intelligence

    On the one hand, according to McKinsey, an S&P 500 company currently loses an average of $250M per year on ineffective decision-making processes. On the other hand, according to Signal, companies could unleash $4.26 trillion per year by leveraging technology to support their decisions. This webinar will discuss the main issues companies currently face with decision-making and how Decision Intelligence can help solve them. We will also discuss the critical components of Decision Intelligence technology and the critical success factors in implementing them.

    Decision Intelligence - How to Match the Market Pace of Change with High-Frequency Supply Chain Synchronization

    Even in quiet periods, synchronizing all the supply chain moving parts is a challenge. Demand, sourcing, manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation all operate at different clocks, are run by different teams, and are dependent upon different constraints. In today’s post-pandemic world, the challenge has become more critical. You need to: a) Streamline decision making with periodic, heavy, and analog processes such as Sales and Operation Planning (S&OP) or Integrated Business Planning (IBP) b) Plan your supply chain more frequently than the usual once-a-month cycle to match volatile market demands. Join this webinar to learn about high-frequency supply chain flow synchronization — a level of agility that only Decision Intelligence can provide to crisis-proof your business.


    How Decision Intelligence Prevents Supply Shortages and Facilitates Seamless Reallocation

    Two years into the pandemic, supply disruptions continue to plague global supply chains leaving companies with no line of sight into the accuracy of their production plans or committing to dates of sales orders. Extended global supply chains have proven brittle in the face of demand volatility and supply challenges with severe impacts on revenue and consumers. Multi-tier supply chains face the challenges of extended lead times and parts availability where component shortages have wreaked havoc on industries from automotive and consumer electronics to healthcare devices and beyond. This webinar will discuss how Decision Intelligence introduces a new paradigm for multi-enterprise collaboration in a supply-constrained world. We will also discuss how it transforms firefighting into an event-based and priority-driven process through recommendations that bring together internal and external data to drive a transparent, agile, and automated solution. Join us to learn how Decision Intelligence can help your business absorb the impacts of the next major supply chain disruption.


    Delivering on CPG Brand Promises with Decision Intelligence

    Today's digitally-enabled, socially-conscious consumers are challenging large CPG organizations to deliver the experiences they want. How can companies keep up while adapting to supply chain disruptions, staffing challenges, and an unstable geopolitical environment? In this session we'll show how Decision Intelligence is helping CPG companies achieve the business agility and resilience they need to be successful today ... and tomorrow. What you'll learn by attending: a) The challenges faced by CPG organizations while trying to compete with nimble digital-native companies b) Key decision opportunities that can be addressed with Decision Intelligence. c) How Aera Decision Cloud™ helps organizations deliver decision agility and business resilience.


    Decision Agility - How Decision Intelligence Breaks Through Current Operational Latency

    In an increasingly uncertain and complex reality, businesses have grown organizationally siloed and their technology architectures fragmented. Despite data visibility and analytics improvements, decision making is often inaccurate and reactive, and leaders struggle to keep up with the speed of decision making required. Decision Intelligence, supported by AI, breaks the glass ceiling of decision accuracy and speed by addressing three common industry challenges: Broad access to data, Accurate Data Analysis, and Decision Execution itself. In doing so, companies that adopt Decision Intelligence significantly increase their business agility.


    Beyond the Digital Control Tower

    Today's supply chains are exposed to more shocks than ever before, and have to manage an ever-increasing degree of demand & supply complexity. Just as SpaceX and Amazon have leveraged automation to improve how decisions are made in their respective domains, so can supply chains. Learn how Decision Intelligence can take you beyond end-to-end visibility of your supply chain, and enable you to gain the agility and resilience you need in today's uncertain times.


    Future of Data Science

    Data science, machine learning, and AI continue to be hot topics for data and analytics teams in large enterprises. Up until recently, the focus has been on the challenges inherent in creating and training models. However, now companies are looking at their data science investments and wondering what they’re getting out of it. Join us for a wide-ranging, interactive conversation about the challenges and opportunities with getting the ROI out of your data science investments with Mustafa Kabul, the head of Data Science at Aera Technology.

    How Decision Intelligence Connects Planning and Execution to Manage Disruption

    To deal with supply chain disruptions, planning and scheduling decisions are not enough anymore. Decision Intelligence complements, enhances, and extends planning capability to improve responsiveness, agility, and resilience in the supply chain.


    Bridging Procurement and Supply Chain with Decision Intelligence

    In today’s ever-changing business environment, companies are dealing with supply risk at an increasing rate. Traditional procurement solutions have made the source-to-contract process more efficient, but when a preferred supplier starts to miss deadlines or logistical issues are holding up raw materials, how do you collaborate with your suppliers to resolve critical issues when complex decisions need to be made in real-time? Learn how Decision Intelligence can bring together procurement and supply chain that will allow you make supply decisions that will enable an agile, resilient supply chain.


    How to Deal Effectively with Supply Disruptions in CPG

    Disruptions in the supply of raw and packed material have become increasingly common and force many CPG companies in constant fire-fighting mode. Join us to explore how Decision Intelligence can help to build critical agility to effectively deal with supply disruptions.


    Decision Intelligence for Supply Chain

    Ever since the advent of MRP in the 1960’s, supply chain organizations have been focused on better, more accurate plans. But plans are a reflection of the business and operational environment in which they were created. When unforeseen events happen, planners go into fire-fighting mode to deal with all the exceptions, taking time away from the strategic thinking they need to do. Join us for a wide-ranging, interactive conversation about the challenges planners face and how Decision Intelligence can help with Ruan Van Vuuren, EMEA Client Partner at Aera Technology.


    The Convergence of Sustainability and Decision Intelligence

    The importance of sustainability is becoming clearer every day, but a unified understanding of what metrics matter and the best approach to making meaningful decisions is still missing. In this fireside chat with Matthew Bunce, Senior Principal at Aera Technology, and Alison Crawford, Senior Director of Product Marketing, they'll talk through opportunities to leverage Decision Intelligence to achieve an impactful ESG agenda, how digital transformation enables sustainability, and a circular "cradle to cradle" product approach which tie back to revenue targets.


    Reducing Risk and Operational Complexity in Pharma with Decision Intelligence

    The pharmaceutical industry is facing increased pressure to deliver innovations, continuing growth in M&A activity, and greater regulatory burdens. All these factors are increasing the number and complexity of decisions that must be made each day. Meanwhile, demand for experienced staff is higher than ever and some companies are struggling to fill critical roles. How can pharma companies address all of these challenges and make the best decisions at the moment of maximum impact? Bring your questions for our pharma industry experts and learn how Decision Intelligence allows companies to leverage AI and ML to reduce risk and human bias, even in a volatile and uncertain market.


    Next Generation Trade Promotion Management and Media Spend Optimization

    Due to the introduction of social selling, the Consumer Packaged Goods industry continues to evolve and change in its go-to-market strategies, trade promotion management, and media spending. But the key for CPG companies is understanding how each platform impacts their business. Tools like TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram, and the overlay of influencers, dramatically change day-to-day operations. Still, few people can connect the demand and supply chain. Using Decision Intelligence, companies can see the event, financial impact, and demand impact in real time and then optimize their operations to capture the effects. The Aera Decision Cloud ingests impression data and promotion activity to recommend actions to take to optimize campaigns further, spend, and supply chain decisions.


    How to Close the Planning and Execution Automation Gap with Decision Intelligence

    Even with modern APS systems, day to day planning remains high touch. Planners spend 50% of their time on data gathering and manipulation and make decisions in the same way as they did 20 years ago. Disruption brings more and more decisions in a shorter-term horizon. The sheer volume of decisions that planners must make has grown past the ability of even the best teams to keep up. The existing planning to execution gap is ever growing, while planners have no time to address more strategic and value adding planning problems. Decision Intelligence can change this planning paradigm. Learn how Decision Intelligence closes the planning and execution gap, and gives planners valuable time back to spend on more strategic and human aspects of planning.


    How CPG Companies are Deploying Decision Intelligence to Overcome Raw Material Disruption

    Two years of unprecedented volatility and disruption have exposed supply-side vulnerabilities in companies’ raw materials supplier network. For decades, sourcing managers have been incentivized to drive a ‘lowest unit cost’ approach which has resulted in a gradual erosion of flexibility and agility. Join Chris Andrews, Consumer Sector Supply Chain Leader at EY, and Matt York, Regional VP UK&I at Aera Technology, to learn how supply chain and procurement leaders are deploying Decision Intelligence to reduce risk and build resilience, strengthen supplier collaboration, and synchronize the raw material value chain.

    This event is a great opportunity for Aera Technology’s customers, prospects and partners to learn more about Cognitive Automation.  This event is not open to employees of competitive companies.  If you register and are employed by a competitor, we reserve the right to remove you from the registration list or otherwise deny you entry to the event.  By registering for this event, you are opting-in to the Cognitive Automation Community newsletter.  For more information about the community please visit here