North American Supply Chain Executive Summit

September 16 - 18, 2024 | Phoenix, AZ

Meet Aera.

Aera provides enterprises with a competitive edge by revolutionizing decision-making processes through a unique approach that integrates AI, automation, and data & analytics. Aera digitizes and automates end-to-end decision-making at scale, ensuring businesses operate more sustainably, intelligently, and efficiently, decision by decision.

Experience the AI for Decision Automation™ – schedule your demo at the NASCES conference today!

Schedule a custom demo at the event

Hear from Aera.

Learn how leading companies are using AI to gain end-to-end visibility, overcome decision-making challenges, and deliver what customers demand.

Tuesday, September 17  | 9:45 am - 10:20 am


Decision Intelligence: Accelerating AI for Autonomous Supply Chains 

In a landscape defined by increased change and complexity, supply chain management demands a strategic integration of Decision Intelligence. Decision Intelligence, which sits at the intersection of data, AI, and automation, enables companies to make faster and better decisions and build their supply chains into a competitive advantage. Join us in this executive panel to hear how customers are leveraging the Aera Decision Cloud™  to modernize and automate their supply chains, propel productivity and profitability, and advance towards an autonomous supply chain. 



Sasha Pailet Koff 

Former SVP, Supply Chain Data Analytics & Automation

Dell Technologies


Fred Laluyaux

President & CEO

Aera Technology

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 | 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm 

Roundtable Lunch

Closing the AI-Business Impact Gap

Explore the evolution of supply chain planning through the lens of Decision Intelligence. Traditional planning methods often struggle to keep pace with modern challenges, but Decision Intelligence offers a transformative solution. Join us as we uncover the hidden costs of unmade decisions and show how Decision Intelligence closes the planning and execution gap, empowering planners to focus on strategic, value-added tasks. You’ll discover the importance of using impact as a guiding principle in decision-centric planning, and explore how leading companies are developing competencies and skills that give the planners of the future a competitive advantage in an ever-evolving landscape. 

By embracing Decision Intelligence, organizations can equip their planners with the tools and insights needed to navigate complexity and drive profitability in an ever-evolving landscape.



Laurent Lefouet

Chief Strategy Officer

Aera Technology

The AI for Decision AutomationTM
Understands | Recommends | Acts | Learns

Meet with us