Aera Technology
at the Gartner Supply Chain
Planning Summit

November 4 - 5, 2019 | Denver, Colorado

Aera’s Participation at the Event
Aera Technology is a Platinum sponsor of the Gartner Supply Chain Planning Summit and we would love to meet with you while at the event. As we know calendars fill up fast, please use the button below to suggest the best time that works for you.

We've also included some additional resources below we thought could be helpful to read as you prepare for the event.

Book a Meeting

Aera Speaking Session
The Journey to a Self-Driving Supply Chain
Monday, 11/04/19
11:30 AM MST
Adams Ballroom D
Aera Booth Come by our booth #210 to meet our incredible team, talk cognitive automation, and experience a live demo.
Old Hickory Steakhouse
Join your industry peers at a casual gathering with Aera executives to enjoy a great meal over casual conversation.

Request to attend dinner.